mercoledì 31 agosto 2016

Pranzi di famiglia. Anonimi olandesi e fiammingi del XVII, Antoon Claeissens, Andries van Bochoven, Anthonie Palamedesz, Roelof Koets II

Anthuenis, or Antoon Claeissens, Claessens, or Claeissins (c.1536 – 1613) Family saying Grace, ca. 1585.

Anonimo olandese, Patrician Family, c 1610

Flemish School, Portrait of a Family at Midday Meal, around 1610

Anonimo olandese, 1627. Come somigliano alla mamma!

Andries van Bochoven and his family, 1629, Utrecth
Figlio di un ricco mercante - il signore con la bibbia in mano - e della prima moglie defunta; alla destra la seconda moglie; poi tutti i figli della prima e della seconda in schiera; lui è quello con il pennello in mano; haimé, morto di peste quello stesso anno. Al centro pare via sia un pasticcio in crosta fantastico.

Anthonie Palamedesz, Palamedesz family, 1635, Antwerp

The genre of portrait was also practiced in Flanders, yet there are distinct differences between the North and the South in the Netherlands. Middle-class and Calvinist tendencies are particularly evident in the Dutch preference for mock-realism and intimacy, and it is these characteristics which predominate in Anthonie Palamedes' Family Portrait. The family, with numerous children, sits primly in a room with the air of a peep-show; Palamedes is not particularly interested in the actual portrait aspect of the work. 

Roelof Koets II (c. 1650-1725, attributed to).) Dutch family taking tea, c. 1680,
Dyrham Park, National Trust
The 17th-century Dutch family shown in the painting above are clearly very proud of their tea things. The wife and the child are dressed to the nines and the splendid Javanese lacquer table is filled expensive-looking tea utensils. At this time the drinking of tea was still a relatively exotic and glamorous activity in Europe – perhaps reflected in the fact that it is the husband in the painting, the head of the household, who demonstratively holds the teapot. And it was obviously deemed appropriate to have a trendy oriental lacquer table to go with this trendy oriental drink.

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Dyrham Park, National Trust

1 commento:

Unknown ha detto...

quasi tutti i bimbi sembrano degli adulti in miniatura...

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