venerdì 23 settembre 2016

Uzbekistan. Oromo- Strudel: lo strudel viaggia dall'Asia Centrale all'Europa.

Un tè pronto per qualcuno, nel Registan di Samarcanda. E un oromo che ci viene servito in un ristorante.

Il dubbio si scioglie: lo tecnica strudel arriva dall'Asia Centrale, con tutto un insieme di piatti fatti di sottilissime paste farcite e riavvolte su se stesse o sovrapposte; mangiamo questo piatto, l'oromo, in un ristorante uzbeko; qui la pasta si stende sottilissima, si avvolge, si riempie di poca carne, di molta verza parecchio agliata, cumino, dragoncello, e viene cotta a vapore. Accanto c'è yogurt acidulo, pomodoro, cetriolo. Si chiama oromo, ed è proprio fatto come uno studel; lo dicono parente del manti, un manti lungo; lo ritroviamo altrove in Asia Centrale.

In c'è la sua descrizione, che riporto; nel link c'è anche una ricetta. Si fa il più delle volte con carne, ma ci sono anche versioni vegetariane.

Oромо is most often associated with the peoples of Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Tatarstan. 

The name оромо is a noun version of the Kyrgyz verb, ороо, which means "to roll." Oромо starts off with a large, flat sheet of dough. It is spread with filling and rolled into a tube which is then steamed and served in severed portions. 

Oромо is a standard, everyday dish. It is usually eaten with the hands in Kyrgyzstan, which is messy but traditional for many Kyrgyz dishes. The Kyrgyz are a traditionally nomadic people for whom travelling light was a priority. Thus, food is often eaten from a common plate and silverware is generally viewed as optional.

Oромо can be served with a variety of sauces. A common sauce has fresh tomatoes with spices, finely chopped greens, and yoghurt (or sour milk). Another popular sauce is a mix of fresh tomatoes, vinegar, and horseradish.

 Oромо is prepared in a special tiered steamer called a мантоварка (mantovarka). The мантоварка derives its name from манты, a Central Asian meat dumpling. It has a pan for boiling water, several perforated tiers above it to hold the food in the steam the boiling water emits, and a tight lid. The most important aspect of мантоварка is that the lid closes tightly. Be sure to lightly grease the tiers so that the оромо does not stick.

Oромо is quite similar to манты, which are smaller packets of dough stuffed with the same type of filling and steamed in the same manner. However, манты requires folding many individual portions while оромо requires rolling a single tube. For this reason, оромо is sometimes also refered to as "ленивые манты."

There are many varieties of оромо, depending on the seasonal ingredients available. Kyrgyz families typically make the filling from meat and fat with rice and seasonal vegetables being optional additions. Vegetarian varieties, however, do exist – which might be surprising considering how meat-and-fat-heavy the traditional Kyrgyz diet is. These vegetarian options will often include only rice and/or the typical vegetables that go into оромо. Sweet and/or starchy vegetables are typically preferred - including pumpkin, potatoes, sweet potatoes, squash, and sweet peppers.
Nella foto sotto, di, anche il cestello per la cottura a vapore. Si vedono carne, verza, zucca.

Si può vedere anche la ricetta di Global table adventure Kyrgyz stuffed & rolled pasta | Oromo

Ecco i cestelli in vendita su ebay come Dumpling Steamer Stainless Steel 6pc Oriental Uzbek Mantovarka Мантоварка Манты

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