venerdì 8 giugno 2018

Dolci al cucchiaio. Crumble

Origin of Apple Crumble
Apple Crumble is known to have originated in Britain during World War II. The history says that, the Apple Crumble recipes were invented to replace the more extravagant apple pie recipes. But it was not until 1924 that this dish found a mention in print. Over the years, this dish has gained in popularity and today has become a customary preparation mostly during the Fall, when apples are available in plenty. Though apples are most commonly used to make fruit crumbles, pears, peaches and berries are good substitutes. Da

 Crumble alle visciole e semi di zucca per le cotogne

Crumble di pesche e cannella con granella di zucchero

Crumble di albicocche e fichi con cioccolato amaro e zenzero candito 
Apple crumble

Crumble con le albicocche caramellate

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